
Dr. Alaa Hussein Saber

Assistant  Professor, Faculty of Music Education, Zamalek (Helwan University).

  Works as a Soloist of oud and Qanoon with Omar Khairat’s orchestra since 2002 – ten years now


His first solo- for the first time- at the age of ten in a T.V Program operetta composed by Ammar El- Sheraee.

 Concerts Inside & outside Egypt:

  • The Festival of -the East and West- at the island of Sardinia-  Italy, and concerts at the Egyptian Academy in Rome.
  • Concerts in Switzerland in 2001.
  • Arab Music Festival in Bahrain in 2001
  • Arab Music Festival in Morocco in 2001
  • Concerts the Jordan- River Foundation- in Jordan in 2002.
  • Ceremony of- the three cultures meeting- in Spain in 2005.
  • Ceremony to hand over the presidency of the European Union between Slovenia and France in 2009.
  • playing in the Arab Music- Festival at the Opera House in Cairo and Alexandria years 1993.1998, 1999, 2000.2001
  • Concert festival of Arab authors in cooperation between Egypt and Germany, which was held at the Opera House in Egypt in 2006.
  • participated in the orchestra of many artists: “Rageh Daoud, Nader Abbasi, Hassan Sharara.”

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